Motivation & The Right Path(s)

Good evening! Good morning!  Or just hello there!

Human being is such an interesting thing. We make choices, which might not seem right to some people. We make mistakes, to learn and move forward, grow bigger and better.
Recently I have watched film Mr. Nobody. Watch out for spoilers in the next sentence. The whole idea of this film, that there are no wrong choices, everything we do makes a story, and dreaming what would be IF… is just pointless. However, every human being does question their actions. Without that we would not differ from animals. So do I.

Lately I was applying for internships, jobs, and working hard to achieve my goals I have made earlier. It is tiring, but hard work pays off. Success and failure became my favorite words. Every failure gets me closer towards my dreams. winston-churchill-quotes-11

I noticed that always when I get tired I become very self-critical, I feel like I have not improved at all. One only does see how far one has gone after looking back. I hope this will help you as this does help me to boost my motivation. I looked back and noticed how independent I have become, how much I improved in climbing, how much I have improved my other skills. When motivation dips down below the normal, friends are very valuable motivators in every person’s life. They don’t let you fall into depression and make life brighter. ATTENTION friends of mine! I LOVE YOU ALL!

Me and my climbing buddy Tim started training diary series. Well, not always I train with Tim I have to train on my own. Everybody is making their own path and making others do what you want is more than selfish.

It’s just over one week untill me and Mindaugas will go to El Chorro, Spain.  This weekend we will be pulling hard on limestone routes in Portland, UK.

I wonder sometimes, why do people make their lives so complicated. I might sound like a hippy, but be sure, that simplicity is the key to happiness. The similar rules apply to graphic and all other designs. Clean and simple poster is much more effective than poster with loads of unnecessary information and graphic elements. I suppose, learning to live simple is not so easy, but trying to do so is rewarding: less worries, more time to have fun.

Live simple and have fun!

P.S. video from trip to gritstone I have promised. Enjoy!

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2 thoughts on “Motivation & The Right Path(s)

  1. Brilliant! V man on the blog scene!! Check out my latest post lad, its similar to this!

  2. VaidasClimb says:

    Thanks! Just after I posted this, I read through yours. What can I say… Great minds think alike.

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